Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world


Withernsea High School News

The latest news stories from Withernsea High School.


News Stories

  • Running club celebrates two successful years
    Withernsea High School’s weekly running club celebrated its second anniversary this week with a renewed invite for further participants to get involved.
  • Students harvest the rewards of outdoor learning
    Students from the school’s ERP (Enhanced Resource Provision) have celebrated the end of a successful growing season with the collection of their final crop of vegetables from their outdoor classroom.
  • Year 11 Geographers enjoy urban fieldwork experience
    Withernsea High School’s Year 11 Geographers recently visited Beverley where they completed the second of two fieldwork assignments, both of which form a crucial element of their continuing studies.
  • Road safety messages driven home by theatre company
    Students at schools across the East Riding are currently benefitting from an engaging, multi-media theatre roadshow aimed at promoting road safety.
  • Craft club inspires creativity
    This week, the school launched its timetable of enrichment provision for the first half of the autumn term. Among the many after-school clubs attracting attention is a DT Craft Club that is already producing some great results.  
  • Upcoming post-16 open events (September/October)
    Various college and apprenticeship provider open events are taking place in the coming weeks. Please click the link above to view a list of upcoming events.
  • Year 5 and 6 Open Evening
    Our Year 5 and 6 Open Evening takes place on Thursday 10th October, between 4.30pm and 7.30pm.
  • Students learn to talk the talk
    To help prepare them for the five years of secondary school ahead, and the world of further education and employment beyond, Withernsea High's brand-new year 7 cohort have benefited from a workshop exploring the importance of effective communication.
  • Bus Diversions
    As you may be aware, there is currently no access through Withernsea from the A1033 due to emergency roadworks at the south end of the town. Disruption is anticipated throughout the week.
  • Getting ready for the start of term
    Following a staff training day on Monday 2nd September, students return on a staggered start for the new academic year on the following dates (click the title to read more).
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