The governing body provides strategic leadership and accountability. It has three key functions:
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
• Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
These key are functions are delivered through four focussed committees. These are:
Finance and Premises
Members: All governors. Mr J McKinley (Chair), Mr M Ainley (Vice Chair).
Behaviour and Attitudes
Members: All governors. Mrs C Heaton (Chair).
Members: All governors. Mrs A Henderson (Chair).
Pay and Personnel
Members: Mrs A Henderson (Chair of Committee), Mrs C Heaton (Vice Chair of Governors), Mr J McKinley (Chair of Finance).
Governing Body
Please click the links below to view each governor's profile:
Mr M Ainley (Chair of Governors)
Mrs C Heaton (Vice Chair of Governors)
Recently Resigned Members
To contact the Governing Body, please send all communications via:
Miss C Ralph (PA to the Governors)
Withernsea High School
Hull Road
HU19 2EQ
01964 613133
Governor with responsibility for SEND:
There are four different categories of Governor at Withernsea High School:
Co-opted: Co-opted Governors are appointed by the governing body. They are people, who in the opinion of the governing body, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Local Authority: Local Authority Governors are nominated by East Riding of Yorkshire Council but appointed by the governing body.
Staff: Both teaching and support staff are eligible to be Staff Governors. Their role will not be to represent staff but to operate as part of the governing body to provide strategic leadership and to hold the Headteacher to account.
Parent: Parent Governors are elected by other parents/carers of students at the school. Any parent, which includes a person with parental responsibility, or carer, of a registered pupil at the school at the time of election is eligible to stand. When vacancies arise, the Headteacher will write to parents/carers to seek nominations.