Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world


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  2. July 2024
  3. Students face their fears at outdoor activity centre

Students face their fears at outdoor activity centre

11 July 2024 (by admin)

Around fifty students from Withernsea High School recently enjoyed a two-night residential break at a popular outdoor activity centre as part of an opportunity aimed at developing key life skills.

Over the course of their three-day visit, the group participated in a range of activities including climbing, abseiling, archery and problem solving – all of which were designed to boost confidence, inspire teamwork, improve communication and develop resilience. 

Leading the trip was Assistant Headteacher, Matt Burnitt, who said: “An experience that students have always looked back on with amazing memories is the school residential and this is something we were very keen to get up and running again this year. It allows our younger students to end the year in a very positive mindset and prepares them with skills they will continue to use and develop next academic year and beyond.

“Students threw themselves into all the activities with enthusiasm and many pushed well beyond their comfort zones. The residential experience is all about realising what you have the potential to do, and in so many students we saw courage, resilience, great teamwork and new friendships taking root. A fantastic time was had by all and there were plenty of sad faces on the return journey

“A massive thank you goes to the students, whose conduct was exemplary, and the accompanying staff who freely gave three days away from their own families to allow students to have such a worthwhile experience. Thanks also to those staff behind the scenes that make such trips happen, with the meticulous planning and organisation that goes into getting these opportunities up and running.”

Student feedback was equally positive, with many keen to share their thoughts and offer words of encouragement to future participants.

Year 7 student Jacob Caddick said: “The activities were all amazing. My highlights were the zipline and low ropes because they reminded me of my old school playground, but 100 times better! I was very worried about the ziplining to start with, but I managed to do it and now it is my favourite. I also liked trying to find ways around things in problem solving.”

When asked what advice he would give to next year’s cohort of students thinking of going on the residential, Jacob added: “It might look scary – all the heights and being away from home - but when you’re in the moment, you forget about all that.”

Fellow Year 7 student Scarlet Haley added: “The residential was really good and I made friends with people in the year above. The most fun activity was the climbing wall because I was scared at first, but I did it and faced my fear of heights. For anyone who is scared to go, I’d say you should try it. I was scared as well, but I loved it and so will you!”

Following a successful relaunch last year, which saw a similar experience for Year 7 students take place at Newby Wiske Hall in North Yorkshire, this year saw the welcome return of the residential to the Kingswood Outdoor Centre in South Yorkshire’s Dearne Valley. 

Between 2012 and 2019, the Kingswood Centre was the school’s destination of choice for outdoor activities, until the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a break in continuity.

Among the staff who accompanied the students on this initial run of trips, as well as joining in with the relaunched visits, is Head of Personal Development, Andrea Monaghan, who said: “I have to say that the residential really is a highlight of my year. As always, the students faced many challenges over the duration of their stay, including being away from the security of home and making their own beds! Every single student achieved more than they thought they could. They have come back from the experience with increased confidence, self-esteem and maybe even a few new friends.

“I was particularly delighted this year to see just how kind so many of our students were to one another - cheering one another on, offering each other support and encouragement. I am sure that, like many other students, they will still be talking about their Kingswood experience when they are at their Prom at the end of Year 11.”


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