Withernsea High School

Withernsea High School

Inspiring confident young people to thrive in a changing world

Mrs A Henderson MBE

Mrs A Henderson MBE
Status: Active  

Date Appointed:
23rd October 2013

Current term of office ends:
13th November 2027

Appointing body:
Co-opted Governor 

Positions of responsibility: 

• Vice Chair of Governors 
• Chair of Pay and Personnel 
• Chair of Curriculum 

Committees serving on: 
• Curriculum 
• Head's appraisal
• Pay and Personnel
• Behaviour and Attitudes 
• Finance and premises 

Voting rights: 

Special responsibilities: 


Links to development areas: 

• Teaching (SIP Objective 2): Literacy and Numeracy 
• Creative Arts
• Sport
• Modern Foreign Languages

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 
None to declare

Pecuniary interests: 
None to declare

Relationships to staff: 
None to declare


"I have been a governor for many years, initially at Hull College and then at Sirius Academy, Hull.

I was honoured to be awarded with an MBE for services to education in 2010.

I have been a governor at Withernsea High School for over eleven years now and I am particularly keen in encouraging an educational approach which is underpinned by the principle that education can and should make a positive change to young people's lives.

Having lived in Holderness for over 40 years, I understand the role the school has in the fabric of the local community with many generations being past pupils of Withernsea High School.

I understand how rural and coastal schools have their own challenges but I am aware of the many success stories of past pupils and believe the school is able to build on this success.

My professional career, which has spanned over 40 years, was within the NHS. My final full-time role being as a Director of Nursing, giving me understanding of the public service environment and where every person matters."

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